Friday, December 08, 2006

In How Many Languages Can We Say Screwed Up

You know whats really screwed up. When the exchange department tells you that none of your grades from your exchange will be used in Melbourne Uni. So you play party travel and do what all students who feel no need to do well do, and produce borderline results. You come back and someone in the department echos the same thing. So you slave your ass off alll semester knowing you have a shot since your depressing exchange grades will not be used. Then they screw you over by telling you that they will be using your exchange grades when considering your honours application.

I am so close to smearing shit all over melbourne uni's walls.


patey said...

Hey C

yeah, I got effed over with exchange grades too with the atrocious beurocracies that are huge educational institutions.
Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Charissa,

That sounds dreadful, I'm sorry to hear about it. I hope it gets sorted somehow. It must be so frustrating!

Hang in there :) Arlene

Anonymous said...

I've heard of most Aussie Uni's either not accepting grades for semester done in other Universities overseas, or if you are lucky and the University considers the subjects similiar to some of their subjects, you may get a pass or fail. (which could mean 50% for a subject you scored 90% in)
Hope it all works out for you doll

Chorizo said...

Heh thanks gals for your support!! Its just all so incredibly messy...argh!!