Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Finals Fashion Victim

I envy people who are able to look glamorous during the exam period and winter. Once Swot Vac approaches, I live in sweat pants, my ratty “got-it-free-when-applying-for-bank-account” tshirts and my “never-see-the-world” before fleece jumpers. Anything food-stained and vaguely pajamasy crawls onto me while I forsake normal shoes for bright pink rubber slippers even though it obviously doesn’t match green thai pants or the cold weather. Occasionally, I wear my IH jumper or my Upenn hoodie, and that’s a high fashion day. I roll out of bed and walk straight out into the world while everyone else bothers to put on a pair of jeans at least. I suddenly forget how to use conceler or powder and the only beauty products in my vocab currently are: shower gel, toothpaste and shampoo. People keep asking me if I’m stressed or tired. Not really. You are just seeing me sans make up. And then of course there is the consumption of large amounts of junk food while studying. I polished off half a kg of gummy bears, sour hearts and chocolate balls through the weekend, and now I’m on to my next chocolate bar. It is not stress eating. The concept of stress eating gives me an excuse to eat.

I can’t wait for the 7th of Nov where everything is over, I can take a long shower, put on a pretty frock, dust off my make up collection and attend the Melbourne Cup bright and sparkly.


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm curious about something: have you heard of mysingaporenews the blog? There is a contributor there called Charissa, just checking to see if it was you.

Chorizo said...

oooh is there!! heee...heh no it isn't go check that out!

Anonymous said...

how come you get free tshirts when you apply for bank accounts??!! i've never got one.

dun worry i live in my adidas track pants and over sized sweater, alternating between sea salt fish and chips and dominos for dinner daily.

Chorizo said...

haha!! hello unicef jason!! housemate is called jason too!

The free tshirt is when i apply to the bank in the US, don't worry..NAB and commonwealth didn't cheat you of it...heee