Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm only laughing because I'm young

Just came up from watching the NFL Super Bowl on my dorm TV a couple of minutes ago where The Rolling Stones did their thing at half time. My first reaction when I saw them was.....I hope he doesn't get a heart attack from all that skipping. Seriously, old rock stars should not be allowed to wear skin tight jeans, wave their hands like a burning koala and wiggle their ass. It was very disturbing. I'm sure more kids were scarred this time than looking at Janet Jackson's boobie. " that grandpa onstage again?"

Whatever happened to retiring gracefully? Or getting botox-ed before hitting the stage?

Pfizer just lost one big marketing opportunity with that band.


Anonymous said...

Funny that you mention Mick Jaeger or however you spell his name....I think the most digusting thing was the close-up of his flab underneath his bicep. GROSS man! Oh, and I also made a joke that it would have been funny if he pulled a janet jackson by taking off his shirt and wearing a nipple tassle....hahahaha....gross again i know. but ironic how you brought her up too.

Chorizo said...

He had bye-bye arms didn't he!! I saw that too! Everytime he moved, the flab came moving 2 sec later!