Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You're not a very bright snowball are you?

Today was a day of firsts. My first press conference from the viewpoint of a public relations person and not the journalist. My first Austrian acquaintance made while buying fruit juice. My first call made to the US since I got back here. My first paycheck from this internship. My first conversation with an American-Chinese in Singapore. My first time coming straight home after work to have dinner with my mum. And my first time alone in three weeks to catch up with myself and what I have to do. I think I'm starting to get a hang of things here.

Although I still don't know what possessed my prime minister to say at the swearing in ceremony today, "For those that voted for the opposition, I am sure they wanted to vote for the PAP." Yeah strange spiritual forces were at work in those voting booths man.....or maybe the population that did vote for the opposition had myopia and couldn't check the right box. Or maybe they were held at gunpoint. Or given money. Or had a temporary flash of amnesia. Or blindness. Or they were all spasming. Or is he just competing with Bush for the MTV award of dumbest thing said? I bet his public relations team were all slamming their heads and cutting themselves in disbelief. I know I would if I was them.

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