Thursday, June 01, 2006

Yes I Am That Stupid Snowball....

I tried to reassure myself that I was just tired and not genetically predisposed to stupidity, but this clinches the blond joke of the year award. I was trying to call my mum using the office phone, but instead of her number, I kept punching in my own hand phone number. And so my hand phone rang. I picked up my hand phone, not recognising who was calling it, and the “person” calling me put down. A little fazed, I did the same thing again, called my own hand phone, pick up my hand phone, put down my office phone and got spooked that some one was calling me and hanging up. Pissed off that I was getting prank calls, I used my hand phone to call back the number that was calling it. And my office phone rang. Now you would think that I would get the connection now that I have been calling myself. But no I did not. I got even angrier that now even my office phone is ringing. It was only after about 8 times of trying to answer two phones that I finally drew the connection that I was calling myself. I really shouldn’t be allowed to interact with normal people because I might contaminate all your gene pools with stupidity. And of course now I am dumb enough to publicize this stupid event to everyone.

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