Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Now For Channel Self-deprecation

Everyday at work I discover more about how naive, careless, ignorant, clueless, socially awkward, immature, rash and dumb I am. Suddenly all the A's and scholarships don't matter anymore if you can't update a spreadsheet accurately, or type a press release with no grammatical errors in it. Working is a throughly humbling experience that has nothing to do with how well I do in class.

And scruffy. Looking at the elevator mirror today, I decided I look scruffy. No matter how hard I try, I can never be one of those poised women with cement-perfect hair, botoxed-perfect make up, starched white shirts and icy cold detachment. I look more like a cartoon character than a Madame Tussaud cutout on Tatler. I mean, I couldn't go to a bar without knocking fruit punch over my friends and stuttering in front of the bartender. Oh well.

Bumped into my ex-boyfriend's sister at the Shell press conference today. It has been about two and a half years since I last saw her. It was alot less awkward than how I imagined it to be. It was good to meet her and we caught up briefly. It's always so weird to meet your ex or people from your ex's life. It's like dying and bumping into your physical self. Or getting into a coma and waking up in 2060. It's like a movie where you were in every scene, and suddenly the producer took you out and fast forwarded the movie. And then you watch the end of the movie and find it hard to follow the story because of a memory lapse. That kind of surreal "whao-the-last-time-I-saw-you-you-were-a-guy" kind of forced amnesia. Is that a universal feeling or am I just weird?

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