Friday, April 21, 2006

If i donate my kidney do you think they will let me live forever in montreal?

AHHHHH!!! I'm finally in montreal. In patey's house. I am in love with this city. Can't wait to sit down and just blog in joy about this place. I just want to go up and hug everyone here. I love love love love this place. Will be back. soon. with pictures and lots of heavy gushing. AHHHH!! Yes i know i sound like Paris Hilton on crack...but we just had a whole meal, from entree to mains to dessert, made from maple syrup. We were on such a sugar high that we were yelling at a random tourist on the street. And spasming. And talking about defecating, on the subway(as in just defecating, not defecating ON a subway...just to make that clear..we are gross but not that gross), like chipmunks high on helium. I didn't drink at all. No really. Just sugar. Ok bye.

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